Legal News

Wrong Address a Reasonable Excuse for Landlord

Landlords would be well advised to ensure all records regarding their properties are kept up to date. Recently, however, the Upper Tribunal (UT) agreed with a residential landlord that she had a reasonable excuse for failing to comply with an Improvement...

Flat Owner Not Liable for Pre-existing Structural Issues

When building owners carry out works on their property, are they liable for damage to adjoining properties that results from pre-existing structural issues? The Court of Appeal recently provided welcome clarification on that question . The owner of a...

Challenge to Will's Validity Rejected by High Court

The best way to ensure your assets will be distributed as you wish is to have your will professionally drafted by a qualified solicitor. In a recent case, a challenge to the validity of an elderly man's will was dismissed by the High Court. The man had...

Tenant Succeeds in Reducing Service Charges

A case recently decided by the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) serves as a reminder to tenants to check the terms of their leases and to monitor the service charges they are asked to pay. The tenant of a ground-floor flat sought a determination of liability to...

Marks & Spencer Claims Planning Victory at High Court

A High Court challenge brought by Marks & Spencer (M&S) has resulted in victory for the retailer. M&S contested a decision by the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to turn down planning permission for the...

Court of Appeal Overturns Will Dispute Ruling

Unfortunately, will disputes can sometimes be drawn out long after the passing of the person who bequeathed their assets. This was so in a contentious probate battle which progressed to the Court of Appeal after a High Court judgment was challenged. The...

Prisoner Unlawfully Evicted from Housing Association Flat Wins Damages

The concept of unlawful eviction may bring to mind a picture of a malign landlord changing the locks and throwing a vulnerable tenant onto the street. However, a case in which a serving prisoner's protected tenancy was wrongfully terminated during his...

Will Execution - Remote Witnessing Legislation Expires

A legal amendment that was made during the COVID-19 pandemic allowing the witnessing of wills to take place via videoconferencing has officially expired. As of 31 January 2024, the Wills Act 1837 (Electronic Communications) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Order...

Beware of Builders Offering Cut-Price Work - Court of Appeal Cautionary Tale

Every householder should understand the dire risks involved in opening their doors to those promising to carry out cut-price building work. A Court of Appeal decision provided distressing examples of almost the worst that can happen . A householder...

Should Original Wills Still be Stored in Paper Form? MoJ Consults Legal Profession

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has launched a consultation on the storage and retention of original will documents by HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS). The consultation is intended as a means to challenge the current system of will storage and look at...

Court Ruling Underlines the Importance of Biodiversity in Planning Decisions

One of the positive effects of the green revolution is that biodiversity is now a vital factor in many planning decisions. As a High Court case showed , however, it is perfectly possible for an otherwise inappropriate commercial or industrial development to...

Failing to Make a Professionally Drafted Will Risks Tearing Your Family Apart

Many grieving families have sadly been torn apart by a loved one's failure to make a professionally drafted will. Exactly that happened in a High Court case concerning two brothers who fell out bitterly over which of them should take charge of...

Grown Up Kids Staying On in the Family Home? What Does That Mean in Law?

Loving parents often allow their adult children to remain living in the family home for as long as they wish, in the expectation that they will, in due course, fly the nest. In a case that will ring a bell with thousands of families, the High Court...

Under-Insured Commercial Property Occupier Wins Seven-Figure Damages

Fire is an ever-present threat to occupiers of commercial property and, all too often, they only discover after the ash has settled that they are under-insured. In one such case, however, the High Court came to the aid of a gifts retailer which lost...

Always Seek Legal Expertise to Help Ensure Your Wishes Are Fulfilled

Having your will drafted by a professional involves only modest expense and has the great advantage of reducing the risk of your bequests being successfully challenged after you are gone. In a case on point, the High Court gave full legal effect to a...
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